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                       SYNTHETIC DATA GENERATOR                            

Getting Started

Dore is a tool that can generate fake data for you for schemas with complex dependencies; such as schemas with hierarchical relations, PK/FK relations, nested values, and so on. All you need to do is provide a single input which is a specification of the target data requirements and Dore generates the required databases, tables, and data for those tables for you.

This input is known as the Manifest. Once the manifest is created, it can be shared with others in order to help them generate the same data as well!

Dore leverages fake data generation libraries (ex: Faker), which allow you to generate fake values for certain data types, and generates fake data for entire schemas.


Install the dore package with pip.

$ pip install dore


$ dore --manifest MANIFEST_FILE [OPTIONS]

Next Steps

Once the installation is complete, and if this is the first time you're trying out Dore, we recommend you check out our Tutorial which walks you through using Dore to generate fake data for the ecommerce schema shown below:

Image title

Ecommerce schema
